Tagged with 'winter work safety'

Winter Workplace Safety: Best Practices

winter workplace safetyFor many of us who work outdoors, the coldest part of the year is approaching. This includes harsh winds, frigid temperatures and slippery surfaces that nobody really looks forward to. In addition to the general discomforts of the temperature, winter brings with it an noticeable increase in work-related hazards.
To survive the winter workplace while maintaining productivity and safety, it's important to utilize time-tested best practices. While some of these things may seem like common sense, now is the perfect time for a review and to prepare for the changes in routine that lie ahead.

Dressing for the Weather

Yes, this one may be clear as day - you can't head to work in jeans and a t-shirt. The cold weather demands appropriate protection, but it's more complicated than that. It's possible to be too warm, too bulky, or too limited in movement - all things that can affect your safety and performance.
If your job duties are strenuous, dress in layers. Consider wearing a sweatshirt under your jacket that can be removed when your body heat rises during have activity. You'll need to be sure to keep your head and face warm depending on the intensity of the weather, but be sure that any headwear doesn't limit your field of vision. Gloves are a must-have; be sure they fit well and offer a safe grip for any tools or materials you might be handling. Waterproof boots will help keep your feet warm and dry, while heavy-knit socks such as wool will protect your toes from prolonged cold.

Driving and Operating Heavy Equipment

Even if there's no heavy equipment operation, chances are you'll be driving to and from work each day. Winter roads are cold, which provides less traction against your rubber tires. Rain, sleet and snow can create highly dangerous driving conditions, even for the most experienced driver. If the weather is bad, be sure to allow yourself additional time to arrive at work. You'll need to leave early, drive slower, and give your undivided attention during your commute. Be sure to carry an winter emergency kit in your vehicle at all times just in case things get really bad.
For heavy equipment operators, it's important to pay close attention to even the smallest changes in wind and temperature. Surfaces can become slick and materials can be harder to handle. In snowy conditions, hazard can be camouflaged by snow cover. A co-worker could slip on the ice behind your vehicle and be at risk of serious injury or death should you not realize they've fell. Take your time, be aware, and don't rush things. Winter weather requires a different approach to how you operate your equipment.

General Tasks and Hazards

There are probably too many winter hazards to list here, but the majority of them are the direct result of wet and slippery surfaces. While a slip and fall is bad, a slip and fall with a concrete saw in your hand can change your life. When we say to proceed with caution, we can't express that enough.
Job sites are often ridden with hazards and when a slippery surface is added into the equation, simple errors can prove deadly. Slipping under a machine can cause you to be crushed and killed, while smacking your head on a pipe or steel beam as you fall can cause serious head trauma or worse. Take your time, be careful where you step/stand and be sure to use boots designed for winter traction. Depending on your work environment, you might even consider investing in Ice Traction Devices which are affordable and highly effective.
Other hazards of the winter include melting ice that can fall from buildings or equipments, pooled water that poses a risk of electrical shock, snow cover that might mask dangerous holes, and low visibility conditions that can make everything you do a bit harder. Winter is one of those times when you definitely should consider wearing extra ANSI-rated reflective gear.
Overall, winter weather is the most unforgiving and dangerous when it comes to work. It's hard on your body, hard on your mind due to the intensity of attention required, and it's hard on equipment, materials, and tools. Be sure to get good rest during the winter months, eat nutritional meals for the energy you'll need, and above all stay warm. If you plan accordingly, dress properly, maintain awareness and move cautiously, you'll have a productive and safe winter working season.

Winter Work Safety: Frostbite & Trench Foot Prevention

frostbite and trench foot preventionWinter is here, and if you're working outdoors in a cold climate, you know just how uncomfortable it can get without the proper protection. While you might be a veteran of winter workdays, it's always smart to be safe and avoid pushing yourself beyond your limits.
The cold air temperature and other unique situations created by winter weather can be damaging and even fatal to your body if they aren't prevented, recognized or treated properly. Two of the most commonly occurring problems are frostbite and trench foot, both of which can sneak up on you relatively quickly. Below is some information on preventing, identifying and treating frostbite and trench foot.


Frostbite occurs by the body beginning to literally freeze. Usually only an issue in extreme cold, it's most common with the hands/fingers, nose/face, ears, feet, or toes. Once it has began, frostbite can cause permanent damage by cutting off the flow of blood to the affected area. This leads to cell and tissue death, which can require amputation. People with low or reduced blood circulation are at an increased risk of frostbite.
To prevent frostbite, be sure to wear sufficient protection from the air temperate, wind, and any materials that you might be handling. This includes wearing proper insulated gloves, hats and/or face protection, and sufficient insulation around the feet such as heavy socks.
Symptoms of frostbite include reduced blood flow, numbness, tingling or stinging sensations in the affected areas, aching, and bluish or pale, waxy skin.
If you or a co-worker is suffering from frostbite, you should get into a warm space as soon as possible. Do NOT walk on frostbitten feet or toes, as this could increase the damage to those areas. Apply warm water to the affected area (not hot water) and/or warm the area with heat. In emergency situations where a source of heat is not available, use an armpit. It's important to note that you should not rub or massage frostbitten areas because this could increase the damage. Additionally, refrain from using heating sources such as a heating pad, heat lamp, stove, fireplace, or radiator; since the affected areas are froze, burning can occur very easily due to numbness and the inability to properly feel the heat. If the signs are severe or if self-treatment doesn't help, seek the help of a doctor or emergency medical attention immediately.

Trench Foot

Trench Foot, sometimes called immersion foot, is a condition when an injury to the feet is sustained due to long exposure to wet & cold conditions. Believe it or not, trench foot can happen at temps of 60 degrees fahrenheit if your feet are continually wet. Since wet feet lose heat 25 times faster than dry feet, your body will attempt to prevent heat loss by shutting down the circulation to the feet, resulting in dying skin tissues.
To prevent trench foot, it's critical to keep your feet dry. This means the use of waterproof boots, waders, or similar when working in wet conditions. Job sites with a lot of snow, or melted/melting snow are a prime scenario for causing trench foot. The best bet is to have waterproof workbooks all winter, and to make sure they rise high enough to prevent entry of water.
Symptoms of trench foot include numbness, reddened skin, swelling, leg cramps, tingling pain, blisters, sub-dermal bleeding and gangrene.
If you or someone you know is suffering or believed to be showing the warning signs of trench foot, it's important to take immediate action. First, remove wet boots and sox. Thoroughly dry the feet and avoid walking on the feet as much as possible. Avoid the cold and any water for a generous period of time and until all symptoms are gone. If symptoms don't begin to improve or if the symptoms are sever, consult a doctor or emergency medical help immediately.

Stay Warm & Use Your Head

We say this time and time again, folks. Your job is an important part of your life, but don't allow it to ruin your life. Practice proper safety on the job to reduce the risk of accidents, injury, or death. Wear the proper safety equipment, follow safety procedures and be aware of your surroundings. Stay educated and informed and make sure that the same is true of your co-workers.
For proper winter workwear products that will prevent frostbite, trench foot and other cold-related health issues, visit our website's winter workwear selection. We have a large inventory of a variety of products from the top brand names, specifically designed to protect those of you who work outdoors in the winter. A small investment can go a long way when it comes to personal safety.
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